D U N D E E   U N I V E R S T I Y   A R C H I V E S

I've got the exciting opportunity to work with the Dundee University Archives on a series of posters to advertise their various collections to the public. We've decided on three main collections:

  • The University Records
  • The Local Collection
  • Tayside Health Board Records

Within these collections we chose specific areas of interest that could draw the public in, 

The University Records - Focusing on the College magazine, a student led publication

The Local Collection - Focusing on Sidlaw Industries, also known as Camperdown Works, a jute factory owned by the Cox brothers. At one point being the worlds largest jute works, it covered 30 acres with over 14,000 workers, a majority female

Tayside Health Board Records - Focusing on Sunnyside Royal Hospital, founded in 1781 as the Montrose Lunatic Asylum, a psychiatric hospital located in Hillside, Angus