An idea I have had since the beginning, was to display the research I have collated into a museum style exhibition space, though this isn't something that can be physically submitted, so a digital mock-up, with physical elements would be the way to go. However I was suggested making a publication, as either an accompaniment to the exhibition, or to replace it, I'm currently weighing the options and time I have, though its looking to be that I make the publication, and use any time afterwards, to create the mock-up exhibition.

- Digital mock-up exhibition space
  • Life and death timeline
  • Large scale posters to signify important events - 30s 40s era style movie/theatre posters
  • Video featuring digitalised Emitapes
  • Artefacts/objects display - suitcase w/ stickers, reel to reel tape recorder, letters, handcuffs

- A publication/leaflet/zine
  • Smaller than an exhibition
  • Portable
  • Provide context through narrative
  • Illustrations throughout