G R E A T    U N C L E    E D G A R

Based on the feedback from the previous two years, my most successful projects were the ones that focused on heavily research based briefs. Reflecting on these few, I picked out the first year project in which I investigated into the history and death of a relative, as the one that I had the most interesting time completing.

With this in mind, I have chosen to begin, what will probably be a year long project, research in to my second great uncle, Edgar Law. The facts that my family have on his life are limited, we know he travelled to Australia, and in 2016 we inherited a few boxes containing many of his belongings. Only, no one has gone through them, the photos were organised, the letters were filed, but we didn't pay attention to the contents. Out of everything in the boxes, one thing stood out, a pair of handcuffs, heavy steel with a single key; Given that we don't know all the facts about Edgars life, except his travels to Australia, there has been a rumour that he was a part of the inmates sent to Australia in the 1700s, this likely isn't true, but it has propelled me into wanting to research into Edgars full history.